How to influence your brand image.
Some time ago, I went into a bank. This was my first time going there. However, as I stepped through the doors, I felt some kind of energy that I didn’t particularly like.
The clerks were usually in their glass boxes.
The boxes, designed for efficiency, created some sort of invisible barrier and a slight hearing issue.
When I approached the counter, and greeted, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was interrupting. The clerk’s eyes were fixated on his screen and appeared immersed in the mechanics of their duties.
I greeted again, slightly louder, but it struck me that in their quest for order and professionalism, the bank had sacrificed the approachability that could make the banking experience more human and a little fun.
Leaving the bank, I couldn’t help but feel like “I don’t want to go back there anytime soon.”
Sure, the clerk might be having a bad day, or something isn’t right at home. But the current perception I have about the bank isn’t a reputable one.
So, this is what I wanted to address. Your brand image is built based on the experiences and interactions clients have with your business.
Your brand image is formed in the consumer’s mind and the only way to change it is to influence it by using your brand identity. In this story, I give you practical steps to influence your brand image to suit your identity.
Define your brand identity.
In the process of creating your brand identity, you’ll have to figure out your purpose, vision, mission, and values, I talk about that here. While all these are important to the brand image, I like to focus on the values when it comes to influencing your brand image.
To use an example, if one of your values is “excellence,” then strive for high-quality work.
If one of your values is “honesty or integrity,” do things that make people think that’s true.
This is how you influence what they think by controlling your brand identity.
Develop a narrative that aligns with your values.
For example, if you own a brand that helps people to do more of what they love, here’s a narrative that is sure to influence your brand image:
“At, we are driven by a simple yet powerful belief: everyone deserves to do what they love. We understand the deep sense of fulfillment that comes from following your passions, and we are here to help you get to where you want to be, your guide, and your biggest supporter.”
I find that including this in the website’s ‘about’ section helps create a strong connection with people.
You’ve already heard this one, but your visual identity should be memorable while being distinct. I mean have you seen my work?
Consistent communication.
As much as you want to diversify content to fit all the different platforms, you’re on, make sure that your brand message is consistent. At first it might seem like going through the content before publishing is good but as you grow and put other people in that role, you won’t have the time to check in and approve.
That’s why systems and processes are a super power for businesses. Find a method to systematize this process of approving content. So, it can happen without you.
Engagement with your audience should be authentic, not AI-generated comments.
Also make use of storytelling. Using popular frameworks to write.
Customer Experience Matters.
You wouldn’t want a similar scene that I encountered with the bank. That’s why having excellent customer service is a valuable and powerful asset.
Tailor experiences to individual customer preferences — when they’re reasonable though, some people are just drawn to disruption.
Try to get into the minds of the clients and find out what they think — ask them, this isn’t telepathy. Act on customer feedback to improve your brand’s offerings.
Leverage social proof.
Encourage reviews — ask satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. They’re almost always happy to.
The same principle applies when a friend seeks your recommendation for a specific product, and you enthusiastically share which one has been most effective for you.
Showcase testimonials on your website and marketing materials.
Your brand image is important.
Prioritize it.
Say you’re going to do something, do it!
Let me end with a question.
What are some experiences you had that shaped the brand image of an organization?