Think or society will do it for you.
In this dance of our existence, we are social beings.
It means we spend a large portion of our lives communicating with each other.
Who we are, who we become, scaffolds from the conversations that we have.
If I articulate my thoughts about a specific topic in a room full of people through spoken word, an invisible web is cast.
They resonate with me, they understand and believe me, they will tend to strengthen their belief on that topic because we all believe in it.
Our thoughts, much like a reflective surface, mirror the input we feed it. In a world where endless data flows, the notion of controlling every fleeting thought becomes a paradox.
If we cannot control our intake of data or information, how then can we control what we think?
The answer is in recognizing that we become what we consume.
You become what you think about because of what you consume.
The people who surround us, influence how we act, and think.
Belonging to a group isn’t only a matter of comradeship; it is a place where beliefs find affirmation, amassing a sense of security.
When you belong to a certain group, you tend to think like them because they strengthen your beliefs, that is why you feel safe around them.
The groups you belong to influence you because they reinforce your perspective of the things that you agree on.
This is why most people follow the crowd.
A more subtle term is social proof.
It is a shortcut to thinking.
Because if the majority are doing it, it means it’s right. Right?
If the majority follow a trend, say a certain phrase, make the same decisions, you will assume it’s the correct decision to make.
This isn’t wrong, it just shouldn’t be used for everything.
Collecting data from the research done by others to save time isn’t a bad idea, but it is wise to think for yourself.
If you're considering purchasing a laptop, you have the option to either invest time in researching the specific features you need, or you can opt for a model that is popular among users with similar needs, making the decision process much simpler.
The problem arises, when we follow without consideration of the aftereffects of our short-term decisions.
The lesson here is:
Think for yourself or society will do it for you.
Our fear of being different or being wrong and embarrassed is part of what makes us do what “the other people are doing.”
A marketer doesn’t need to tell you they have a good product, they just need to place a “most popular” tag on the item.
This further proves the point; we buy because of emotion.
Even the CEO you’re trying to attract buys because of emotion. So, your copy shouldn’t only be logical.
Back to the main topic.
Popular is good.
Confirming with society’s rules help it function.
The majority are just not curious enough, that is why they trust the judgement of others often without thought.
It could result in regret and regress.
It might limit personal growth and innovation causing a lack of diverse perspectives, hindering the exploration of alternative solutions to complex issues.
I will end by saying “think for yourself.”
Your future self will thank you.